Conservative Comedy: Right Wing Late Night Jokes

Conservative Comedy Jokes Feb 3, 2020

Some conservative comedy for you, hope you enjoy.

China says the US should stop whipping up panic over the Coronavirus. The world says China should stop whipping up bat souffle.

Youtube details how it will tackle misleading election content such as uncomfortable facts.

Youtube said it will remove any content that may pose a “serious risk of egregious harm.” By those standards I guess they will remove the entire Democratic field.

Democrats condemn Trump as threat to American democracy, the Democrats solution to the problem is to destroy American democracy first.

Conservative Comedian rant of the day

All eyes will be on Iowa tonight, this might be the first time in years Democrats have cared about what white people say.

Seems like Bernie Sanders has the momentum and a shot to win. I am writing all of this before the poll numbers come in.

Should be interesting to see how Biden does, his campaign seems to have no juice but he is the only candidate that is not completely insane, possibly because he might legally be dead.

Speaking of the candidate check out this doozy of a picture.

conservative comedian political humor

Headline: Four Democrats trying to stop black people from voting Republican.

Yes, I know you can’t vote Republican in the Democratic caucus, just a picture I saw on rueters about the caucus tonight. If you look close you can see somebody holding a sign that says South Carolina.

So was the picture actually taken in South Carolina or the Democrats just bused these random black people in from there and they brought the wrong signs? (Dear Social Media overlords, I do not think they were bused in, I was making a joke).

Does Joe Biden look like a corpse? Is this Weekend at Bernie’s 3? Biden looks dead, Klobuchar looks happy, perhaps she is reminiscing about throwing staplers at her staff, Warren is looking at something on the ground, perhaps her polling numbers or a Comanche headdress, and Sanders looks like he is in a Soviet food line.

Good times.

I’m a conservative comedian, this is my rant, see you next time.

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