Conservative Comedian: Defends Don Lemon…sort of

Conservative Comedian’s Take

As a conservative comedian, I believe in the freedom of speech. I also believe it is okay to mock people, because I don’t pretend to be a good person. I mock out of love not malice, there is a difference.

The CNN news anchor finds himself in trouble again after laughing with his guests at southern redneck Trump voters.

Don Lemon laughing at poor illiterate Americans, the white ones, not the others that would be mean.

As a southern redneck I was not offended by the statement, because I am not a snowflake and I have testicles. However, the hypocrisy does bother me.

Like always it goes to show that the double standard continues. Poor white people can be made fun, but any other ethnic group whether poor or rich can not be teased in any way shape or form.

In the comedy world it is known as punching down. Don’t punch down when you tell your jokes (it’s advice, it doesn’t have to be taken). The reasoning is making fun of people “below” you is mean, making fun of people “above” you is okay (punching up).

Personally, I believe in punching in all directions, but clearly punching down is considered more risky and less likely to be accepted by society or an audience. Punching down is considered”dark comedy”, punching up is just considered comedy.

So wealthy famous Don Lemon craps on poor illiterate white people because they voted for a guy who he does not like, welcome to democracy buddy. This is a rich elitist punching down at poor people. Of course some would argue any minority joking about white people is punching up.

Don Lemon Hypocrisy

I’m sure Don Lemon would have no problem with Fox News anchors laughing at poor black people that are illiterate and voted for Barack Obama. Right?

Political Conservative Comedian
Don Lemon realizing he just gave us the okay to make fun of minorities. We’re laughing at the joke Donald, not the people…your words bro.

Twenty percent of Americans adults with below basic prose literacy are black (12% of the population is black). Just stating that fact will get you called a racist but the fascists word police on the left.

Don Lemon’s Epic Apology

Most importantly was Don Lemon’s “non-apology”. I am here to actually half way defend his non-apology.

According to Don he wasn’t laughing at any group of people, he was laughing at the joke.

This is the greatest news since Piers Morgan was cancelled. Don Lemon just gave all comedians, and regular humans, the green light to insult any ethnic group, religious group, nationality, or sexual orientation.

Thanks Don!

Next time you see Don Lemon fire out your favorite jokes about black people and gays . After all you’re not laughing at blacks or gays you laughing at the joke. Right Don? After all you set this standard, can you live with it?

The End of Political Correctness?

What Mr. Lemon has said is that essentially laughing at a joke does not mean you are laughing at the person. I agree. You are laughing at a well constructed joke, which CNN is.

Political comedy conservative
Don Rickles, the king of insult comedy, and an extremely nice and generous man.

So, after decades of political correctness, Don Lemon has sent us back to the era of Don Rickles, when we can make fun of peoples nationality, religion, and ethnicity, all in the name of humor. It does not mean we hate these groups, it means we enjoy laughing at/with them and at ourselves.

Face it, if you have friends from different states, or cites, or countries, or a different ethnicity at some point you have made a stereotypical joke about your friend. Of course he/she/zer was not offended (unless he/she/zer is on the Left).


Because your friend knows you are only joking. Lighten up America. Was our country better off when we laughed at each other or is it better off now when we try to fire and destroy people who make innocent jokes? This is how normal people communicate, Twitter is not normal people, it is internet trolls, Russian bots, and virtue signaling losers.

More Don Lemon Hypocrisy

Unfortunately, I know Don Lemon will not take his own advice. How do I know this? Because a year ago he had a panic attack about Kevin Hart making a gay joke a decade ago.

Don Lemon selective fascist word cop and feaux outrage champion had an issue with Kevin Hart about the Washington Redskins name and an anti-gay tweet, because mean people suck. Oh by the way, southern whites are stupid.

Does Kevin Hart hate gays? Was he attacking gay people or just making a joke? If you laughed at a gay joke from the 80’s or 90’s did it mean you hated gays, or did it mean you laughed at a funny joke?

You see Don, we weren’t laughing at gays we were laughing at Kevin Hart’s joke. Your theory, your words Don, glad we finally agree on something.

Don Lemon has paved the way for us to joke again, of course, he is not intelligent enough to realize that, and does not have enough integrity to stand by this philosophy that: if any other person laughs it is at the joke not at the person/group.

Which is why he works for CNN and why he sucks.

-John a conservative comedian signing off, ’til next time. Tell me what you think,leave a comment.

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